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English Article

Patient Treatment with God

by 돈타령 2023. 2. 17.

An article for Mashiach (the true name of Christ) doctors and medical missionaries.

Doctors and medical missionaries must become co-laborers with Yeshua HaMashiach. When Yeshua HaMashiach was on this earth, He cared for both the spiritual and physical needs of the sick. The gospel He taught was about spiritual life and physical healing. The same ministry is entrusted to Mashiach medical missionaries who must work together with Yeshua HaMashiach to meet the physical and spiritual needs of their patients. They must become messengers of mercy to the sick, bringing healing for their physical ailments and the forgiveness of sins for their wounded spirits.


Yeshua HaMashiach is present with all Mashiach doctors who work to alleviate human suffering. The doctor must inform their patients of Yeshua HaMashiach, who can heal both the physical and spiritual diseases, while treating the physical ailments. The work that doctors and medical missionaries do is only a small part of what Yeshua HaMashiach is completing. The doctor strives to preserve life, but Yeshua HaMashiach shares life.


The source of healing

Satan is a destroyer, and God is a restorer. The word given to the Israelites applies to those who restore physical and spiritual health today. In Exodus 15:26, it is written, "If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you." God's desire for all people is expressed in 3 John 1:2, "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." In Psalm 103:3-5, God is praised for forgiving all sins, healing all diseases, and redeeming life from the pit.


When Yeshua HaMashiach healed the sick, He said to many of them, "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14). Medical missionaries must teach their patients that they must cooperate with God to restore their health. They must teach that diseases are the result of breaking God's laws. They must learn that they suffered much pain because of their bad habits, which destroyed their physical, mental, and spiritual strength. They need to understand that actions that destroy physical, mental, and spiritual strength lead to unhappiness and disease, and obedience to God's law brings health.


If medical missionaries neglect to tell their patients the truth about their own bad habits, which cause diseases, they will harm their fellow human beings. Doctors must clearly state that the pain experienced by alcoholics, people with mental illnesses, and the licentious comes from disobeying God's law. Those who understand the laws of life make great efforts to eliminate the causes of disease.


The path of obedience to God's commandments is the path of life. It must be clearly shown that God has established natural laws, but His laws do not demand obedience by force. Every command that says, "Do not do this" includes a promise. If we obey these laws, blessings will follow our path.“


Medical Missionaries Praying with Patients

The opportunities given to those who treat illnesses are truly amazing. In the work of helping patients recover, healthcare workers should strive to let them know that they are working with God to fight against disease. Guide them to walk in God's law and harmony so that they can expect God's help with every step. Patients and those in pain should trust and rely more on doctors who love and fear God. They believe and trust the words of such doctors.


Before performing risky surgery, doctors must seek the help of the great physician, Yeshua HaMashiach. Let the patient know that God can safely protect them through difficult trials and be a clear refuge for those who trust you during times of pain. Doctors who cannot do this will lose many patients who have a chance of being saved. If he can awaken their faith in the Lord who knows all suffering and express their need for prayer in their souls, the crisis will pass much faster and more safely.


Only God, who knows the human heart, understands the fears and anxieties of many patients who want to undergo surgery. Patients know their own risks. Even if they trust the doctor's skills, they know it is not absolute. However, by seeing the doctor bow his head and pray, they become convinced. By accepting God's healing power with gratitude and trust, the whole body is restored and vitality is strengthened.


Once you are confident that the crisis has passed and the patient has found stability, pray with them briefly. Express gratitude for saving a life. When gratitude is conveyed from the patient to the doctor, give the thanks and praise to God. Tell the patient that he or she has been saved by the protection of the great physician in heaven. Doctors who follow this path can guide the souls that come from the One who controls life and death to the path of salvation.


Doctors who know the truth and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit will learn how to treat wretched and sinful souls who are sick. Medical missionaries who treat patients must be able to answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?" They should be able to talk about the love of the Savior and share experiences about repentance and faith. With simple and fervent words, they should be able to pray for the needs of the soul and encourage patients to seek and accept the mercy of the compassionate Savior. When medical missionaries work hard to serve and provide comfort and help to patients at their bedside, the Lord will also work through them. When the patient's heart is led to the Savior, peace fills their heart. This spiritual health is used by God's helping hand to restore physical health. Doctors should repeat the words of the Savior to those who are trembling in fear before death and burdened with sin and pain whenever there is an opportunity.“


Medical Missionary as an Educator

A true physician is an educator. They must feel a responsibility not only for the patients directly under their care, but also for the community in which they live as protectors of physical and moral health. It is the medical missionary's responsibility to teach not only correct methods of treatment, but also to promote good habits and disseminate knowledge of sound principles.


One incorrect habit that causes many illnesses is the reckless use of powerful chemical drugs. When attacked by disease, many people do not take the trouble to find the cause of their illness. Their hope is simply to escape from pain and discomfort. They therefore seek a cure that will quickly relieve their symptoms and results, without correcting any harmful habits or behaviors. If immediate relief is not forthcoming, they try another remedy, and then another, and so the vicious circle continues.


People need to learn that drugs do not cure disease. Sometimes they relieve pain and apparently cure a patient, but this is because the body has enough vitality to eliminate the toxic condition that caused the illness. Health is restored without drugs, but in most cases, drugs merely change the form and location of the disease. The effects of drugs may appear to be harmless, but they leave residues in the tissues of the body, which sooner or later produce serious consequences.


Doctors should teach people that the power to restore health lies not in drugs, but in nature. Disease is a natural phenomenon by which the tissues of the body try to throw off unhealthy conditions resulting from a violation of the laws of health. When illness occurs, the cause must be determined. Unhealthy conditions must be changed and harmful habits corrected.


Clean air, sunlight, temperance, rest, exercise, a wholesome diet, the use of water, and reliance on divine power these are the true remedies. It is far better to prevent disease than to treat it after it has developed. We too often forget that health is not accidental, but is the result of obedience to the laws of health."


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